I slammed the gavel down on that one! This dumb ass had the audacity to commit a crime, after the jury in 1994 allowed him to go free for the murder of Nicole and Ron. This man has all the nerve in the world. Mr. Untouchable, does he think he is? Attempting to pen a book entitled "If I did it" was the straw that broke Mis.Led's back. He's got the biggest balls on the planet. He must fear nothing; not even GOD. He never seems genuine to me; not in any case or under any circumstance, for that matter. He and Jade from ANTM remind me of each other in that they both never seem sincere. Crocodile tears, fake frowns, a carelessness in their concern. He's a cold piece of work, as they say in sunny Cali. I feel nothing for this man. Whether he murdered those innocent people or not. He was allowed his freedom for 15 more years and STILL couldn't just be happy or, at least content. He had to go above and beyond. He couldn't just go away and raise his kids and enjoy his life? I feel nothing for him or his verdict. Look at his face in this pic. He doesn't even seem sincere in this moment capured. Seems socio to me and my opinion is the only one that counts on this page. Peace Oran. Should've left well enough alone.
Yea, he was dumb for getting involved in this crime... I don't think Ron/Nicole was particularly innocent.But that's another discussion. What was wrong w/ this case is that although some folks look at it as bittersweet justice, he was found guilty by people who had prejudices based on his previous case. That my friend, is a conflict!