Sooo, M.I.A. is pregs! Congrats? Don't get me wrong; babies are wonderful and I'm genuinely happy for her. She's engaged to the B.D., Ben Brewer, of the band The Exit. I just hope this doesn't affect her future works. She's already canceled her tour and that means we, her loyal fans, will have to wait that much longer for another Bamboo Banger from our girl. He better be good to her (like I know her, personally). You know dudes love to get a woman pregnant at the height of their success, often leaving the woman in a situation where she can't capitalize and, therefore, be a stable force in the industry. Haters. Anyway, the upside is that its almost guaranteed she's going to have a rad ass kid! Don't wind up in the kitchen, MAYA!!! I love you! Congratulations!
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