It makes me sad that I actually started to really like someone who allegedly liked me, too. The reason it makes me sad is because he basically threw me in the garbage can for another broad. Rejection sucks and I don't like it. I really don't know how to process this. This has happend to me, maybe once. Twice, now. In my entire life! My friend told me to "just let it suck". So, that's what I'm doing. I'm conflicted because I can't really be mad at him for being truthful with me. So what can I be mad at him for? Well, I can be mad that he made me like him when I really didn't want to. I can be mad at him for taking me on the best dates I've had in my whole dating career and making me like him even more. I can be mad at him for laying with me in my bed and not attempting to violate me every which way, as we kissed, which made me like him a whole helluva a lot more. I can be mad at him for being dope enough to make me check him out when he was not looking. I can be mad at him for making me believe that we had the potential to be the dopest couple on the planet. I can definitely be mad at him for making me lose sleep because we had the illest 2 1/2 hour make-out session in the middle of an L.A. ghetto, in the parking lot of one of the dopest, most historical hip hop spots on the planet, dressed in vintage hip hop attire. (I didn't get home til 5am!) I can be mad at him for giving me a cute, silly little nickname that I didn't even like until he kept calling me by it and made me re-evaluate the whole "I don't like that nickname" thing. I can be mad at him for managing to be intelligent enough to stimulate the most erogenous part of my body (my brain) by whispering extensive vocabulary words in my ear, in the dark. I can be mad at him for even fathoming the thought that this chick(en) is ACTUALLY fresher than me. This is why I have an icebox where my heart used to be. "I'm so cold, I'm so cold, I'm so cold." I hope she's worth it. You f*cked up, kid.
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