I really love MissBehave Mag and all the girls over there holding it down! Their mag drops quarterly and they've had some bad b!tches reppin' on the covers. Bad b!tces like M.I.A., Bijou Phillips, Lily Allen, etc. Finally, my girl Santogold is on the cover of the new issue! That excites me because she is so FRESH! Only recently have the sleepers and non-believers started giving her the props she deserves. Newsflash HATERS; you're late!
I been following young Santi White for a little while now. (Thanks to my girl Nicole for puttin' me on!) I fell in love with her sarcastic and loud mouth, valley girl twang instantly. She's original and her writing is refreshing and actually gives me an optimistic outlook on the state of current music, as well as channeling my inner 80's baby, which I always appreciate! She's been my muse for a few months now. I literally had to force my hand to press the eject button of my deck to remove her cd, "Santogold", after I realized that I was "album binging" and I didn't want to get to the point where I never wanted to hear it again.
Anyway, the more I looked into her backround, the more I loved her movement. She led a punk band called Stiffed a few years ago, so I copped their music to see what it was all about, and now "Burned Again" and "Sex Sells" are 2 of my favorite albums and are in heavy rotation. And imagine my surprise to find out that she was largely responsible for writing and producing a majority of one of my favorite albums in the whole world; RES' "How I Do", which dropped in 2002.
Though she's been doing her thing for quite sometime, she's just now starting to blow, i.e. MTV spots, commercial licensing of her jams (Bud Lite and Ford), and the new Converse Allstar Campaign. I'm not gonna rant about how I don't really want to share her. (Because I truly don't.) She's like my little baby that I spent all this time holding on to and now that I gave her some freedom, people love her, all the hipsters want to be around her, she's all popular and probably won't want to hang out with me anymore. BOOOHOOO! All this to say, she looks beautiful on the cover! Cop the new issue and support MissBehave and Santogold! You go girl!
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