I visited my brother in San Diego this weekend. Since it's still September, it's totally okay to still celebrate my birthday! So, where did I have him take me? (Besides the gun range, that is.) HOOTERS!!! Of course, I told them I turned 21! Hahahaha! So they celebrated by putting me over a chair and spanking me 21 times with a paddle! Gotta love that place! Shots out to Cammie!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just Can't Get Enough!
I visited my brother in San Diego this weekend. Since it's still September, it's totally okay to still celebrate my birthday! So, where did I have him take me? (Besides the gun range, that is.) HOOTERS!!! Of course, I told them I turned 21! Hahahaha! So they celebrated by putting me over a chair and spanking me 21 times with a paddle! Gotta love that place! Shots out to Cammie!
Yesterday Someone Shitted On Me!

It makes me sad that I actually started to really like someone who allegedly liked me, too. The reason it makes me sad is because he basically threw me in the garbage can for another broad. Rejection sucks and I don't like it. I really don't know how to process this. This has happend to me, maybe once. Twice, now. In my entire life! My friend told me to "just let it suck". So, that's what I'm doing. I'm conflicted because I can't really be mad at him for being truthful with me. So what can I be mad at him for? Well, I can be mad that he made me like him when I really didn't want to. I can be mad at him for taking me on the best dates I've had in my whole dating career and making me like him even more. I can be mad at him for laying with me in my bed and not attempting to violate me every which way, as we kissed, which made me like him a whole helluva a lot more. I can be mad at him for being dope enough to make me check him out when he was not looking. I can be mad at him for making me believe that we had the potential to be the dopest couple on the planet. I can definitely be mad at him for making me lose sleep because we had the illest 2 1/2 hour make-out session in the middle of an L.A. ghetto, in the parking lot of one of the dopest, most historical hip hop spots on the planet, dressed in vintage hip hop attire. (I didn't get home til 5am!) I can be mad at him for giving me a cute, silly little nickname that I didn't even like until he kept calling me by it and made me re-evaluate the whole "I don't like that nickname" thing. I can be mad at him for managing to be intelligent enough to stimulate the most erogenous part of my body (my brain) by whispering extensive vocabulary words in my ear, in the dark. I can be mad at him for even fathoming the thought that this chick(en) is ACTUALLY fresher than me. This is why I have an icebox where my heart used to be. "I'm so cold, I'm so cold, I'm so cold." I hope she's worth it. You f*cked up, kid.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What a Tragedy

My prayers go out to the families of those who did not make it, and also to the survivors and their families. Life is precious, people. It can be taken in a heartbeat. God is good. Make sure you tell Him that, as well as others.
Plane Crash,
Travis Barker,
Well Wishes
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fresh New Nike Blazer!

I Love Nike Blazers! I peeped these new news on Laced Magazine's blogspot. Here is a pic of the new design that is a third of the Nike mid-Autumn festival pack, along with the Air Max I & Terminator. I love gold (I'm Puerto Rican)! I want 'em. Too bad they're only exclusively available to Hong Kong and China retailers. I'm going to find a way. Oh yes, I will. Ebay, perhaps?
Double Take?

Is it me, or does Frances Bean Cobaine look like a young Tina Yothers (sans the nose job and if Jennifer Keaton would've gone Goth Black back on Family Ties)?
Family Ties,
Jennifer Keaton,
Tina Yothers
Friday, September 12, 2008
Deperate for Attention?

So, I came across these pictures of Ciara posing for the new issue of VIBE Mag on Kanye's blog. I think she looks incredible. However, WTF is she doing naked? Is that what she's on now? Has she not sold enough records? Is she coming out with something new? I mean, she's always been a little on the promiscuous side of things (although she was clothed), even though her 1st jam was about NOT giving up her goodies. Well they're pretty much on display for you now. I must admit, I am a bit disappointed. She's got a great bod; I'm not hatin'! But "I'm sayin' tho". As a female artist in the music industry, it is discouraging to see that this is STILL what women resort to in order to regain the attention of the public. Were her "skills" not enough? What's next? Once you're naked, you're done. There is no more to take off. "Desperate to stay in the public eye" women usually turn to Playboy once they're in their 40's and their fame is fleating or they need some sort of validation that they are still hot. She started mad early in the game to go completely bucked naked though. Is that a sign that she won't be around much longer? She is a mediocre singer at best. She's a great dancer and she's alright in the face dept. I'm not saying that it's wrong to let it show. If you got it, flaunt it. I will some day. What I am asking is, what was the motivation behind it? They should've put up one of those bright, neon flashing lights, like the ones in bars, in the backround that reads "desperate". That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
SantoGold's Got MissBehave Magazine Covered!

I really love MissBehave Mag and all the girls over there holding it down! Their mag drops quarterly and they've had some bad b!tches reppin' on the covers. Bad b!tces like M.I.A., Bijou Phillips, Lily Allen, etc. Finally, my girl Santogold is on the cover of the new issue! That excites me because she is so FRESH! Only recently have the sleepers and non-believers started giving her the props she deserves. Newsflash HATERS; you're late!
I been following young Santi White for a little while now. (Thanks to my girl Nicole for puttin' me on!) I fell in love with her sarcastic and loud mouth, valley girl twang instantly. She's original and her writing is refreshing and actually gives me an optimistic outlook on the state of current music, as well as channeling my inner 80's baby, which I always appreciate! She's been my muse for a few months now. I literally had to force my hand to press the eject button of my deck to remove her cd, "Santogold", after I realized that I was "album binging" and I didn't want to get to the point where I never wanted to hear it again.
Anyway, the more I looked into her backround, the more I loved her movement. She led a punk band called Stiffed a few years ago, so I copped their music to see what it was all about, and now "Burned Again" and "Sex Sells" are 2 of my favorite albums and are in heavy rotation. And imagine my surprise to find out that she was largely responsible for writing and producing a majority of one of my favorite albums in the whole world; RES' "How I Do", which dropped in 2002.
Though she's been doing her thing for quite sometime, she's just now starting to blow, i.e. MTV spots, commercial licensing of her jams (Bud Lite and Ford), and the new Converse Allstar Campaign. I'm not gonna rant about how I don't really want to share her. (Because I truly don't.) She's like my little baby that I spent all this time holding on to and now that I gave her some freedom, people love her, all the hipsters want to be around her, she's all popular and probably won't want to hang out with me anymore. BOOOHOOO! All this to say, she looks beautiful on the cover! Cop the new issue and support MissBehave and Santogold! You go girl!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
I LOVE HOOTERS (& I don't mean boobs)!

I really do. I never thought about it. I never really had any interest in eating there before, but, just recently, someone I know suggested that we eat there, and I loved it. Now I can't get enough! They have some of my favorite foods there; oysters on the half shell, crab legs, and great hot wings. If I had things my way, I'd eat there daily. Or at least til I burn out on the oysters and crab legs. Most people hear "Hooters" and think; strip teases and lap dances with your meal. Hahaha! It's really a cool family place. The girls are very friendly and make you feel like they're taking your order right in your own living room. It's loud with the roar of any and every current sport blasting though the big screen speakers and the drinks are good and reasonably priced. Here's to you, Hooters! I'll see all you fun girls again real soon. Matter of fact, I'm going to see which one of my friends I can get to muster up enough ends to get me the oyster and crab leg combo I so desire. This is my mission...
I'm Back B*tchez!
I'm back in effect, like Al B. Sure! Back behind this desk. Back with a vengeance! Everyone here at my job says I looked too refreshed to be here! I think that's funny. I was off for 10 whole days and I feel amazing! I celebrated my birthday over the long Labor Day weekend and continued on into the week. It just felt like it should never end. Everyday should be my birthday. That's what I say. It all started last Friday, Aug 28th. My boss felt pity on me and sent me home early due to my illness. I took my 5 day med prescription. I recovered just in time to be able to wild out at my own party! I finally got the chance to rock my black 80's vintage leather dress that I came up on at The Goodwill (check the pic), some really dope ass champagne colored heels and big 80's waves in my hair!!! I channelled my inner "80's Judy", (that's my Mom). I thought "WWJW" (What would Judy wear)? When I was a little girl I'd watch my Mom get ready to go out, wishing I could go to all the places she'd go to have fun. She had such a fresh style. Alas, I was def too young to wear any of that stuff, let alone go anywear in it. All that to say, I felt like my Mom that night. My 80's Mom, that is. I looked and felt amazing! Only thing was, that before I got there people were blowing me up and telling me that they were having a hard time getting in. WTF!? I pulled up and many of my guests were on standby in the damn line (while the Geisha House fronted like they were some type of Studio 54 or something). Mind you, I coordinated with the promotor, gave him my list of guests, and did all the things required to make sure my party went off without a hitch. Check this out, though. They even fronted on ME at the door! (Rude bouncers and snobby door girls). I had a hard time locating the promotor and when he finally showed his face, he couldn't be of much service. He couldn't get my girls in, he wanted them all to pay??! After I cursed more than I wanted to that night, he let me and my core group of homegirls in, FREE, and, after I damn near cried because I had to abandon some of my other guests, we proceeded to the bar. I got free drinks all night. I had a blast (not counting the drama at the door), more of my people got in. We danced, sang, drank and were merry! That was the jump off point. For the rest of the week I vowed to be as irresponsible as the good Lord would allow. Boy did I succeed. I didn't write, blog, check emails, nothing! Someone took me out to eat damn near everyday that week (sometimes twice!). There were bbqs, big bottles of Vodka, shows that I rocked, some shopping, some swimming and tanning, some drunk beaching, some guy hunting, some club hopping, some dining at 4 in the morn, some loud music playing, some late sleeping, and lots o' tree burning. I saw people that I love that I haven't seen in a long time. I met some great new people. I received a few roses here and there. And with all of that I only had 1 hangover! Success! And get this; those that couldn't hang with me last week, want to make it up to me this week and I didn't even have to lay on the "You missed my birthday" guilt! I love feeling special. I am spoiled. I am a princess. I am special. Thanks to all that made me this way! I love you all! Now back to our regularly scheduled program...work. Smooches!
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