Yes, my dears, its been a while. All apologies; sometimes life gets in the way. So, I have some wonderful news to share, although I am a week late. My new single, "Hateful Girls" (clean version), is now available, globally! Ya girl is international! Yippieeee! The song is the truth and everyone out there can relate to it. We all know a hateful girl, or two, or three or more. Anyway, support the single and look out for more, more, more. The deal I have with XL Productions allows me free reign to drop whatever I want, whenever I choose. Oh, its on! Lots of you out there already have the single, and its actually in rotation on some stations in various regions throughout the world. Did you hear what I just said (read what I just wrote)?!..."throughout the WORLD"! Its time, y'all. Google Mis.Led! Hateful Girls and get yours now! The instrumental and accapella versions are also up for grabs and ringtones and caller tunes are in process! Until then, click on any of the links below to get your hands on a copy of the joint. Much love and much more to come. Duece.
You can find "Hateful Girls" at:
Search "Hateful Girls" at the iTunes store
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