Last Wednesday was the last Grasshopper of the year. If you don't know what The Grasshopper is, then step your social skills up and get out more! My boy, DJ Tommy Blak, played one of my joints so I decided to pull a "KAIL" and get up on stage and give the party goers a little impromtu performance treat. I got up there and rocked for a few, and I'm glad that I did because I met some really cool people. Lainie and the gorgeous ladies of Socially It were in the house and enjoyed what they witnessed. Lainie got some great pics and Anita included me in her review of "Grasshopper Wednesdays". Pretty cool! Thanks Lainie and Anita! Check out my shout out here! Shouts out to my n*gga, Rob The Rich Man! Dueces!
Mis.Led! Thank you so much for the shout and including us.. you sure did rock it and we are looking forward to seeing you perform again real soon. Make sure you let Socially it in on all your up and coming shows, we are now true supporters of yours... - Lainie , www.Sociallyit.com